Craft, for the mind.
Hermès Windows around the world are known to be spaces for storytelling and fantasy.
In Singapore, the windows at Hermès Liat Towers – since the store’s re-opening in 2016 – have been dedicated to installations designed by guest artists.
From now till 5th of August 2019, the windows feature Daydream Mirage, by French artist Lilian Daubisse.
The installation invites one to move away from industralisation, to re-connect with nature, and, to dream.
That said, Rapid Eye Movement takes on a different meaning at first sight.
For some, perhaps the eyes will first study the red Herbag before darting to the Santorini sandal, the Jaguar Quetzal shawl, finally resting at the set of ‘A Walk in the Garden’ tea cups on the table.
Enter dream sleep, and into this surreal world of (Hermès objects nestled amidst) mystical plants created by Daubisse.
Take a step closer, and appreciate how Daubisse worked his hallmark craft down to the smallest detail using strips of corrugated cardboard, each meticulously cut, glued and knotted by hand.
On the undulating artificial vegetation that have taken over the windows:
“The symbol of the seed is that of the beginning or the source. Plants come from seeds, and I wanted the seeds in my installation to symbolise the beginning of a dream which will sprout and develop into an imaginary world, populated with fantastical plants of unfamiliar textures and shapes.”
Lilian Daubisse
Daydream Mirage will be on display until the 5th of August 2019 at Hermès Liat Towers.
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Lilian Daubisse
Graduated from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Nantes in 1999, Lilian Daubisse lives and works in Lille. Lilian Daubisse places the modesty of each gesture at the heart of his work. Using ordinary material, he refashions it in a process that can at times seem rudimentary. His work moves us through its poetry and enigmatic beauty.
Images by Curatedition.
Related links:
Hermès Home 2019: Noble Materials