Forget dress codes and formality – Valentino interprets “black tie” literally, to challenge the conventions of dressing, and emphasize fluidity and individuality. How many ways can you style a black…
Valentino’s new face Florence Pugh is just the DI.VA to plunge fearlessly into an exploration of identify, humanity and non-conformity.
Don’t miss the Breast Stupas Valentino installation at The Warehouse Hotel, which features the iconic and timeless Valentino Toile Iconographe pattern, on the feminine, convention-defying sculptures by Pinaree Sanpitak, at …
Valentino’s holiday collection is nothing short of brilliance and brilliant gift ideas.
The exclusive shade of pink developed by Valentino and the Pantone Colour Institute continues to make a splash with a limited edition series of everyday objects and store pop-ups.
Don’t just invest in style when you can have a piece on heritage, too.